School Improvement Planning

School Improvement Planning

School Improvement is a continuous, collaborative process through which staff/stakeholders identify strengths and weaknesses of the entire school program and then use the information as a basis for making deliberate, positive, cohesive, and observable changes in measurable student outcomes.

ISBE – Continuous School Improvement Process 

School Improvement Plan-SIP

A well-developed school improvement plan is imperative to ensure continuous improvement and should include the following elements:

  • SMART goals
  • Key activities, milestones, timelines, funding sources, and people responsible for implementation
  • Local assessment(s) to measure academic progress
  • Monitoring plan that includes all SMART goals

For additional guidance in completing this plan with your own school improvement team, please contact

Summative Designations

Summative designations help families and communities understand how well schools are serving all students. Illinois has four summative designations: Exemplary School, Commendable School, Targeted School, and Comprehensive School. Targeted schools and Comprehensive schools receive additional funding and supports to build local capacity and improve student outcomes. Multiple measures of school performance and growth determine a school’s designation. The federal Every Student Succeeds Act requires states to provide a summative designation to each school with the required indicators, beginning in 2018. ISBE includes school designations annually in the Illinois Report Card at

-1003(a) Grant Fund

Title I, Part A funds are for the purpose of supplemental school improvement activities to provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps. 

For additional guidance about the 1003(a) Grant Funds, please visit ISBE’s  School Improvement and Grant Application Guidance page.

Helpful Links:

For additional assistance to interpret summative designation data, please contact

Illinois Quality Framework Supporting Rubric-IQFSR

The Illinois Quality Framework is a document that includes standards, indicators, and guiding questions for diverse stakeholder groups to use in open, honest, inquiry-based conversation. These conversations set the stage for the completion of the Illinois Quality Framework Supporting Rubric (IQFSR).

For additional guidance in completing this framework with your own school improvement team, please contact

Illinois Quality Framework Supporting Rubric